Introduction of Group AAAA's members

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Today is the first day of our Programming Technique II mini project.
We have formed a group of four with every group members having a different post and duties.
Below is the group members and post held by us:
Melanie Goh Ai Ping- Leader

 Goh Shu Teng- Programmer

 Lem Sze Yee- System Analyst

Schee Xin Lin- Blogger

We named our group as "AAAA",which with the hope of 4 of us in the group will get an "A" in Programming Technique II.
Our lecturer, Mr. M. Firdaus Harun gave us our question and instructions about this mini project.
*Lecturer is briefing on the task given.

He gave us a short briefing on the tasks and duties of each post and left us for the group discussion.
Our title of the mini project is "Mobile Phone User Registraton System". 



  1. hmmm,looks much more interesting than former ones...btw shall we design a logo to be used on poster n each of the pic?our pic are copy righted~ by shuteng

  2. Good luck with your projects. :D :D

  3. Sharon: OK!Your idea is great!Then we'll discuss the design of the logo later.^^

  4. ok~also please give comment on the template of poster that i tagged you on fb

  5. thanks matthias ^^
    we really need luck.. hahaa...
