Introduction of Group AAAA's members

Sunday, 10 April 2011

UML diagram


The above is the UML diagram of our mini project source code.
Our topic of mini project is "Mobile Phone User Registration System".

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Shooting in campus UTM

Today, we went for shooting inside UTM campus.
A lot of videos and photos were taken by us inside the campus.
We have a great and fun time together when shooting these videos and photos.
Also,it's a new experience for us and we enjoyed ourselves very much.
The theme of our shooting is based on our group's name: AAAA.
We do actions that symbolizes an alphabet "A" and also find objects that have the shape of "A".
Below are some photos that we took:

Melanie Goh 

Goh Shu Teng 

Lem Sze Yee

Schee Xin Lin

Behind the scene

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Fourth Discussion

Today, we held another discussion on our mini project at KPU10,N28 after our Programming Technique II class.
We mainly discussed on the pseudocode and the C++ code of our topic~ "Mobile Phone User Registration System".
We try to do the pseudocode and C++ code of the mini project according to the flowchart we drawn on the last discussion.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Third discussion

Today,we held a discussion before class at KPU4,N28.
Our discussion today is about the flowchart of  our topic.
We draw out a draft of the flowchart of our topic and discuss the details of it.

Above are the pictures that are shoot during our group discussion.

This is one of the examples of homepage of mobile phone user registration I found on internet.
However, our programmer, Shu Teng said that this is not appropriate for our mini project.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Second discussion

This morning, we held another discussion on the C++ Mini Project.
The discussion is mainly about the duties and works need to do by each group member as instructed by our lecturer, Mr. M. Firdaus Harun.
Our group leader, Melanie Goh will manage the group activities.
Our group programmer, Goh Shu Teng will develop a complete program systematically based on our group discussion.
Our system analyst, Lem Sze Yee will analyse our group discussion and C++ program.
As for me,the blogger, I will report all the group activities and discussions in the blog by writing posts and manage the blog.
We also discuss about the design of the poster for mini project and the time and venue for our next group discussion before we ended our discussion.
Below is the picture taken during our group discussion: